Welcome to

Global Impact School of Ministries and Bible College

Global Impact Bible College is a Christ-centered institute of higher learning that serves all religious denominations. The student body and faculty reflect various types of church backgrounds.

Global Impact Bible College was established to train and equip Godly men and women with wisdom, knowledge and understanding for exemplary leadership.

The curriculum recognizes the Bible as the infallible authority in all manner of faith and conduct, and the objective of the program is to enrich students’ knowledge and understanding of sound Biblical doctrine.

Along with our curriculum, the atmosphere we promote inspires spiritual, personal and professional growth, And provides a foundation for life-long change and enrichment.


Office Hours

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Monday thru Friday

Online Classes

8:30 AM - 1:00 PM


Mail Address

P.O. Box 6778, Sherwood, Arkansas 72124

Global Impact School of Minist